Some photos from one of NYC’s most beloved traditions, the holiday train show at the New York Botanical Gardens.

Happy New Year! This post is a slight divergence from my normal content. It’s not a recipe, and it’s not even actually food related. But I’m not gonna lie, the holidays really snuck up on me and I haven’t been as good recently about writing and photographing new recipes. But I have been doing a lot of really fun holiday-themed things, so I wanted to share one of them today: a trip to the holiday train show at the New York Botanical Gardens in the Bronx, NY. And while it’s not food related, I do sometimes like to share some experiences from my native New York City (see my Inside NYC page for more posts like this), and the holiday train show is most definitely an NYC staple.

I’ve been wanting to go to the holiday train show at the botanical gardens for a really long time. For those who don’t know it, the New York Botanical Gardens is like a mix between a park, a living museum, and a plant research and nature conservation organization. It really is one of the most beautiful places in NYC (and sorely needed in a huge city), and completely gorgeous in any season. In spring there’s the orchid show, and all the plants are just beginning to bloom. In summer they’re a riot of color and life, with flowers and lush greenery everywhere you look. Come autumn, you can appreciate some classic fall plants and the gorgeous fall foliage. And then in the winter, there’s the holiday train show.
The holiday train show is more than just a train show. Yes, miniature model trains are the basis for the show, but the truly stunning part of it are the nearly 200 models of famous New York landmarks. Miniature trains whiz by everything from the the Brooklyn Bridge to Radio City Music Hall to some of NY’s most famous skyline buildings like the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building. The train show is open during the day, but we actually chose to visit at night to see the gardens lit up. They’re also running a program called NYBG Glow, where a lot of the landscape and historic buildings of the gardens are beautifully illuminated.

I visited the holiday train show with my large extended family; my boyfriend Gabe, my brother and sister-in-law, my niece Scarlet, and my sister-in-laws parents and siblings. It really is the perfect event for all ages. 2 1/2 year old Scarlet was enthralled with the tiny building and trains, and all the lights. And the rest of us we so impressed with the talent and craftsmanship that goes into making all of those tiny models. The train show is running through January 15th, but if you don’t get a change to go this year, I most definitely recommend it for next year to any New Yorkers or anyone visiting New York around the holidays.

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